Category: Sweet

Chocolate babka

Chocolate babka

It finally happened. I took a photo of the chocolate babka that is sufficient to post on this blog. Granted the pics aren’t great, but chocolate babka is not about good looks. I have been using a slightly minimimised version of the Martha Stewart recipe […]

Choc-chip cookies

Choc-chip cookies

This recipe has risen to the ranks of most favoured in my house above cakes and slices and all kinds of goodies. Instead buying store-bought biscuits, I try have these on hand most of the time. These particular cookies are made with peanut butter, and […]

Caramel Chocolate Slice

We’re in the thick of it now. It’s cold most days and we got a dump of snow a couple of weeks ago. A blizzardy Friday meant the boys were picked up early from school and the town went into panic mode. Lucky for us, […]

Ottolenghi carrot cake

Ottolenghi carrot cake

Many years ago I used to work at a cafe that was run by an Armenian family. I met my husband there, and they ran a tight ship where both AT and I learned the skills we would later use to run our own cafe, […]



According to Wikipedia, the Italian dessert tiramisù means “pick-me-up”, or metaphorically, “make me happy”. When I read this, I shook my head in disbelief. Read on, to find out why and to become privy to my most excellent recipe for tiramisu. I think we can […]

Peanut Butter Chocolate Icecream

Peanut Butter Chocolate Icecream

I am of the mind that home made ice cream is best left to those with ice cream machines. I’ve eaten my fair share of pathetic home-made crystallised ice-creamery in the past and I’m not really interested in making something that I can buy fairly […]

Best ever pancakes

Best ever pancakes

I’ve been making pancakes for years and I’ve never really thought they were that great. I much preferred leaving it to the professionals at Pancakes on the Rocks or any other venue that can flip a decent batter. It was AT’s birthday yesterday and I […]

Perfect cream cheese icing

Perfect cream cheese icing

I had a victory yesterday. A cream cheese victory. I hear you asking, ‘can cream cheese be anything other than victorious?’ and I agree but in this case I’m talking about cream cheese icing. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried making it, but mine […]

Buttermilk Scones

Buttermilk Scones

Kirstie Allsop hosts a TV show called in ‘Made in Britain‘. It is basically an outlet for over-achievement. She tries her hand, guided by experts, at all kinds of craft and baking and enters the results in small town fairs, where she usually wins some […]

Jubilee Sponge

Well, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee was quite the celebration, but befitting the British cliche, it rained the whole time. Not a lot. But it was an overcast weekend with drizzle, meaning we had to have our Jubilee party in VC’s apartment. It was probably just […]